
Pink Tax and the LawDiscriminating Against Women Consumers【電子書籍】[ Alara Efsun Yaz?c?o?lu ]

Item Number 5

<p>The emergence of the terms ‘pink tax’ and ‘tampon tax’ in everyday language suggests that women, who already suffer from an economic disadvantage due to the gender wage gap, are put in an even more detrimental position by means of ‘discriminatory consumption taxes’. This book is the first conducting a legal analysis to establish to what extent this public perception is accurate.</p> <p>Does the practice of ‘pink tax’ effectively amount to a tax in the legal sense? Does the so-called ‘tampon tax’ genuinely constitute an anomaly within the general consumption tax system? Most importantly, can these two ‘taxes’ be legally qualified as discriminatory?</p> <p>This book provides scientific answers to these questions. It first cuts through the existent information clutter by elucidating the pertinent economic, sociological and psychological components of the practices referred to as ‘pink tax’ and ‘tampon tax’. It then proceeds with a thorough legal analysis of all relevant aspects to determine whether women are indeed subject to discriminatory consumption taxes.</p> <p>It is well-established that women earn less than men. This book investigates if they simultaneously pay more due to ‘discriminatory consumption taxes’.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Item Number 5

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
Price 商品価格 1,964円(税込み)

